Melon Plants

Melon Plants

We have specially selected Melon varieties which product a good yield and flavourful fruits in the UK climate.  Melon plants do best under cover in rich moisture retentive well-drained and fertile soil or planted into grow bags. We recommend setting out the plants 90cm/3ft apart in a greenhouse cold frame or in a warm sunny sheltered spot outside.


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2 products

dt-brown VEGETABLE PLANTS Melon Diva F1 Grafted Plants
3 x 9cm Potted Plants Code: 45020

Sale price£16.95
dt-brown VEGETABLE PLANTS Melon Emir Vegetable Plantsdt-brown VEGETABLE PLANTS Melon Emir Vegetable Plants
3 x 9cm Potted Plant Code: 56793

Sale price£12.95