Sweet Potato Plants
One of the most versatile vegetables sweet potatoes have become exceedingly popular over the last decade thanks to their delicious flavour ease of cooking and all the new and unique ways to create a storm in the kitchen - with a healthier twist on a normal white potato! They have no relation to potatoes but are in fact a member of the morning glory (Ipomoea) family and do not contain as much starch but are rich in Vitamins A B C and E and are a good source of iron and calcium.
These varieties have been trialled in many areas of the UK so are proven to be reliable in our climate and are now even being grown as a commercial crop. Plant out in ridges like normal potatoes once risk of frost has passed. The top growth of sweet potatoes doesn't die back like a normal spud but harvest tubers in September/October again before frost. They are also ideal for growing in large containers on a sunny patio or in a greenhouse or polytunnel especially in northern regions.
Once harvested they are excellent keepers and can be stored for several months to enjoy through the winter. Plants are supplied as young plants rooted into 3cm plugs and will arrive ready for immediate potting on into 9cm pots.
6 products
5 Young Plants Code: 60253
10 Young Plants Code: 60470
5 Plants Code: 54293
10 Young Plants Code: 60472