Care & Cultivation Of Spring Planting (Summer Flowering) Bulbs
Bulbs and tubers that are not planted at once should be stored in a cool, dry but reliably frost-free place until planting time. Any showing signs of growth are best placed upright in a tray of dry peat or vermiculite so that the developing shoots will grow upright.
How To Grow Bare Root Wallflowers
When you receive your plants is it important to plant them out in the garden as soon as possible, spreading out the roots and firming the soil into good contact with them. If you are unable to plant out immediately, temporarily heel the plants in. It’s important to keep the roots moist at all times.
Care & Cultivation Of Autumn Planting (Spring Flowering) Bulbs
Wherever possible, dig over the ground thoroughly before planting, removing any perennial weeds. At the same time enrich it by digging in some well-rotted manure, compost or leafmould and a dressing of bone meal. While successful in a very wide range of soils, most bulbs are intolerant of poor drainage so, if your soil is heavy, also dig in plenty of sharp sand or horticultural grit. For planting in containers, use general purpose compost unless otherwise stated. Bulbs are usually most effect...