Care & Cultivation Of Blueberries, Cranberries & Lingonberries
Blueberries are ready for picking when they are blue-black, soft and detach easily from their stalks. As they don't all ripen together it is usual to go over the bushes several times at about 4-5 day intervals. Ripe cranberries are a dark red colour and, being rather tedious to pick, it is probably best to wait until all are ripe before harvesting.

Care & Cultivation of Blackberries, Boysenberries, Loganberries etc.
All of these berries can be grown effectively against a boundary wall or fence. Otherwise plant in rows 1.8-2.1m (6-7ft) apart, each running north to south to catch maximum sunlight and supported on a system of posts and wires about 1.8m (6ft) in height. Strain four wires horizontally between the posts at 30cm (1ft) intervals, starting with the first wire at about 90cm (3ft) from the ground.

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