Hardneck Garlic Bulbs

Hardneck Garlic Bulbs

Save £5 when you buy any 4 packs of onion, shallots & garlic

Discover an excellent selection of hardneck garlic bulbs at D.T. Brown. Known for their strong, complex flavours and tasty edible scapes, these garlic bulbs produce fewer but larger cloves than their softneck cousins. These robust bulbs are perfect for UK gardens, thriving in our cooler climate with minimal maintenance– a great addition to any vegetable plot.

Our carefully selected range features celebrated varieties like Kingsland Wight, Czechmate and Elephant Garlic, all of which offer exceptional flavour and reliable performance. Browse all of our hardneck garlic bulbs for sale below. 



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7 products

dt-brown HARDWARE Organic Garlic Fertiliser
300g tub Code: 49042

Sale price£11.95
dt-brown ONIONS/GARLIC/SHALLOTS Garlic Czechmate Bulbs (Hardneck)
Buy 4 packs Save £5
Sold out
2 Bulbs Code: 53093

Sale price£10.65
dt-brown ONIONS/GARLIC/SHALLOTS Garlic Kingsland Wight Bulbs (Hardneck)
Buy 4 packs Save £5
Sold out
2 Bulbs Code: 54905

Sale price£8.55
dt-brown ONIONS/GARLIC/SHALLOTS 5 Cloves Elephant Garlic Clovesdt-brown ONIONS/GARLIC/SHALLOTS 5 Cloves Elephant Garlic Cloves
Sold out
  • 5 Cloves Code: 47581

Sale price£14.95
dt-brown ONIONS/GARLIC/SHALLOTS Garlic Caulk Wight Bulbs (hardneck)
Buy 4 packs Save £5
Sold out
2 Bulbs Code: 50165

Sale price£8.55
dt-brown ONIONS/GARLIC/SHALLOTS Garlic Carcassonne Wight Bulbs (Hardneck)dt-brown ONIONS/GARLIC/SHALLOTS Garlic Carcassonne Wight Bulbs (Hardneck)
Buy 4 packs Save £5
Sold out
2 Bulbs Code: 43200

Sale price£8.55
dt-brown ONIONS/GARLIC/SHALLOTS Garlic Extra Early Wight Bulbs (Hardneck)
Buy 4 packs Save £5
Sold out
2 Bulbs Code: 49040

Sale price£8.55
Hardneck Garlic Bulbs Hardneck Garlic Bulbs

Why Choose Our Hardneck Garlic Bulbs?

Popular with UK gardeners, hardneck garlic bulbs are known for their intense flavours and large, easy-to-peel cloves. There are many unique varieties that make great additions to any vegetable patch, from the early-maturing Extra Early Wight to the show-stopping Elephant Garlic. 

While they may not store for quite as long as their softneck cousins, hardneck types are very hardy and perform better in cold weather. They are also much more flavourful, with a very complex, pungent taste that shines in home-cooked recipes. Hardneck garlic bulbs also grow delicious scapes – tender green stalks that can be harvested before the plant is fully mature.

Plant your bulbs in autumn for the best results: this gives them the cold period they need to develop successfully. For more delicious options, explore our softneck garlic bulbs or view all of our vegetables to plant in autumn.

Order Your Hardneck Garlic Bulbs Today

At D.T. Brown, we are proud to offer the highest quality hardneck garlic bulbs for sale in the UK. All of our onion, garlic, and shallot sets are expertly grown and certified disease-free, with varieties selected for exceptional vigour and flavour profiles. 

Order today and your hardneck garlic bulbs will be delivered to your door at the optimum time for planting. With D.T. Brown’s 100% satisfaction guarantee, you can grow with confidence.